Forbes Names Busology Tech Best School Routing Software 2025. Learn More

We focus on enabling school districts and transportation agencies with modern tools that are easy to use, data-rich, and enable superior communication among all stakeholders, including school administrators, parents, and students.

Safety Button

Ensure the safety of the students and drivers with our integrated Safety Button. In an emergency, drivers can send a distress signal at the push of a physical  button.

  • Integrated with our GPS system
  • Assign up to five admins who can receive distress signals through email and text messages
  • Provides detailed information about the bus’s name and number, GPS
    coordinates, address, and date and time of activation

Who should use this app?

Workforce Managers


Busology Tech is well positioned with 30+ years serving the K-12 school transportation ecosystem.

Children near school bus

How Lorem Ipsum Can Be Used?

When using Lorem Ipsum for creating dummy content for your newly created website, you can select the text formats you want from the tool. Like, words, sentences, or paragraphs.

When using Lorem Ipsum for creating dummy content for your newly created website, you can select the text formats you want from the tool. Like, words, sentences, or paragraphs.

When using Lorem Ipsum for creating dummy content for your newly created website, you can select the text formats you want from the tool. Like, words, sentences, or paragraphs.

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