How School Bus Transportation Software Benefits Everyone

In every transportation operation, there are many moving parts. One of the things that we consistently address is the benefits of automation, maintaining a digital database and integrating systems into a single-source solution. However, among these many moving parts are people who make everything happen. We also want to reaffirm how Busology Tech’s K-12 transportation software solutions benefit people, not simply operational processes. Your staff strives to provide information and quality service at every turn. Do they have the tools that make their jobs easier and more effective?  

The Benefits Behind the Scenes: 

When a parent or teacher calls in, they don’t realize the complexities of a simple request. If a student needs to be located on a route, using cell phones or radios for communication can make accessing accurate information a tedious and haphazard process. They don’t call it a “game of telephone” for nothing. The truth is, Busology Tech’s K-12 transportation software puts every piece of information exactly where it is needed. Operators, dispatchers and drivers can each have access to and also provide vital data. So, when a parent or teacher calls in, it will take mere seconds to provide an answer. And in some cases, that information can also be accessed online, meaning staff need not even have to bother with the request. 

Busology Tech’s K-12 Transportation Software Helps Planning: 

The benefits to automation and a digital toolbox can handle immediate issues, such as locating students and dealing with filling an absent bus driver’s route. However, the benefits can be felt long into the future when it comes to semester-to-semester route planning. Did you know that you can quickly construct “what if” scenarios to research alternative scheduling solutions? For example, if a change in the school day were proposed, how easily can you make non-destructive adjustments to your schedule? A multi-term, calendar-based solution can allow you to make duplicate schedules using a subset of your current student database and bus routes, but without duplicating data, or affecting your current term’s schedule. 

Download this infographic that helps to describe a simple overview of the benefits of our K-12 transportation software solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together to develop an end-to-end solution for your operational needs. 

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