Address Today’s Top School Transportation Challenges 

From a few cable television networks in the 50s to the vast depths of the internet in the 21st century, we are now able to access more information than ever before. Technology has transformed the way we get information in our personal lives, and it is also capable of transforming the way that school districts get information. However, adoption rates of K-12 transportation technology are relatively low compared to public transit. 

Use of School Transportation Technology Today: 

With calendar-based scheduling, web-based solution and student tracking technologies, school districts can gather an incredible amount of information that can be used to improve service, reduce costs, and address driver shortages. 

School districts often have limited funding, which is why many are hesitant to deploy technology. However, the data extracted through technology can actually help districts deal with reduced funding and other challenges. 

Let’s explore how: 

Challenges Faced by School Districts and How Data Can Help. 

Driver Shortages: 

A 2021 NAPT and NATA School Bus Driver Shortage survey found that 51 percent of respondent report the driver shortage issue as “severe or desperate”. Ona average 61% responded said the driver shortage issue is their number one problem while only 1% responded indicated that the driver shortage is not a problem for them. 

By building more efficient schedules, districts may be able to take vehicles and drivers off the road while still maintaining the same level of service. 

Less Funding and Fewer Students Riding the Bus: 

Many districts are being faced with reduced funding and lower levels of ridership. Without routing and GPS software designed for school transportation, it is challenging to maintain service without expending more resources. With Busology Tech, districts can route around roadblocks, shorten routes, reduce driver-hours and reduce idle time – all of which help save money. 

Lack of Ridership Data for Route Planning: 

Many districts base their ridership figures on eligibility, meaning that they account for all students who qualify for school-provided transportation, but not all students that are eligible or registered actually take the bus. With student tracking, districts can plan for the actual students that take the bus, and potentially adjust for a lower capacity. 

Time to Ditch the Old Ways. 

While many television programs of the 1950’s are still great today, the same does not apply to the old way of managing student transportation. It’s time to do away with yesterday’s pen and paper scheduling and embrace calendar-based and web-based scheduling that the current environment demands it. Contact us today to get a seamless experience with Busology Tech. 

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